
A car pulled over by police with flashing lights at night

How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Arizona? Understanding Fees and Expenses

Getting a DUI in Arizona is a serious matter with significant legal and financial consequences. Even for first-time offenders, Arizona has some of the strictest DUI laws in the country. A first-time DUI in Arizona typically results in a mandatory minimum of 10 consecutive days in jail (which may be reduced to 1 day in some circumstances), fines ranging from $1,250 to $2,500, mandatory alcohol screening and education, and installation of an ignition interlock device on your vehicle.

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How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Arizona? Understanding Fees and Expenses

How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Arizona? Understanding Fees and Expenses

Getting a DUI in Arizona can be a stressful and costly experience. You might wonder how much a lawyer will charge to help with your case. DUI lawyers in Arizona typically cost between $4,000 and $10,000, depending on various factors.

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Super Extreme DUI In Arizona

Super Extreme DUI In Arizona - Everything You Need To Know

According to the (NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Association statistics, an average of 12,000 people die every year in DUI-related accidents. An average of 900,000 people are arrested each year for DUI/DWI, and a full 1/3 of those are repeat offenders. While the National average has dropped by half over the past 35 years, there is still an ongoing problem with drinking and driving.

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criminal defense lawyers

Hiring a DUI Lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona - What to Know Before You Call

Have you been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Arizona? You’re going to need an experienced DUI attorney to represent you in court. But what should you know about Arizona DUI laws before you make that call?

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dui emergency

Police Suspect You of Driving Under the Influence? Here’s What You Can Expect

Before you get behind the wheel, know that drinking and driving – or driving while under the influence of drugs – is illegal. Period. Even if you’ve “only had a few,” it’s still possible to test above a .08% blood-alcohol concentration and/or to drive impaired. It’s better to be safe than sorry – especially with the extreme legal consequences of driving while under the influence.

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Boating DUI OUI

Boating DUI (OUI) in Arizona: Everything You Need To Know

Arizona has a multitude of beautiful lakes and rivers suitable for boating and various watersports. However, while most Arizona residents are aware of the risks of drinking and driving a car, truck, or motorcycle, many are not aware of the dangers of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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DUI Arrest

The Consequences of a Second or Third DUI in Arizona: What You Need to Know

Arizona maintains some of the strictest DUI laws in the United States for an offender’s first DUI conviction. Penalties only increase after a person has committed multiple DUI offenses, eventually having the potential to lead to a felony conviction.

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drug related dui

Proposition 207 and Arizona DUI Laws – What You Can Expect

Proposition 207 has passed in Arizona with similar propositions passing in New Jersey, Montana, South Dakota, and Mississippi. These five states join the ranks of ten others that have officially legalized recreational marijuana in their states.

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drunk driving

Arizona DUI: What Does “Impaired To the Slightest Degree” Mean?"

Most people know that it's illegal to drink and drive in Arizona, but what many people don't know is that Arizona is a zero tolerance state when it comes to drunk driving. Arizona DUI law actually makes it illegal to drive if you are "impaired to the slightest degree", regardless of your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC).

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driving on a suspended license

What Are The Consequences in Arizona for Driving on a Suspended License After a DUI?

If you’re in Arizona facing your first DUI charge you may be stressing about the consequences. Aside from the financial stress of fines and fees, restrictions on where and when you can drive can affect your commute to work, and leave you more frustrated than ever.

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How Does a DUI Conviction Affect Your Insurance Cost?

While an arrest alone will not affect a person’s driving record, a driving related conviction on the other hand will be included on the person’s driving record. This inclusion can have a severe impact on the person’s pocket. When a person receives a DUI conviction, that person first faces a large amount of fines and potentially even jail time from the legal system. However, the person’s punishment does not stop there. Insurance companies will also inflict their own punishment onto the person. Once convicted of a DUI, auto-insurance premiums typically go up as may other forms of insurance. This means the person will be paying for the crime long after their court or other legal interactions have ended.

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How Long Does a DUI Stay on your Record and Can You Get It Off?

Once a person has been convicted of a criminal offense, one of the first things they think of is how and when can they get this conviction off their record. Having heard of the word “expungement,” they seek to know whether they themselves can have their conviction expunged. Unfortunately, Arizona does not have formal expungement, but has a “set aside” process where the conviction is set aside and the person is released from all penalties and disabilities of the conviction.

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DUI In Arizona

Arizona is known to have extremely strict and dynamic DUI laws. At its base, there are four ways an individual can commit DUI found in Arizona Statute § 28-1381. From there, a number of factors can affect the punishment, sentencing, and gravity of the crime.

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What is a DUI?

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Arizona Drunk Driving DUI Terminology

Arizona officially uses the term “driving under the influence” (DUI) instead of “driving while intoxicated” (DWI). However, some people still use DWI and DUI interchangeably to refer to drunk or drugged driving.

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